Why Should I Get My Dog Spayed

Getting your dog fixed is one of the best things that you can do for him. It is extremely healthy and beneficial for him. The surgery is also called altering or sterilizing a dog either way getting your dog fixed should certainly be in your list of priorities if you haven’t got it done already. These pajamas for dogs will be great for your dog.
Some of the benefits of getting this surgery done are as follows:-
Many dogs are lost each year because they escape away from their homes and back yards when they are in heat. Even a normally docile and friendly dog can display hostility towards other animals when he is in heat. Many dogs that run away from their homes never make it back and even if they do they are in bad shape as a result of fighting with the stray dogs. Once your dog is in heat he will want to desperately find a mate and this can create a lot of problems for you.
If you just let your dog free when he is in heat and let him procreate you are just adding to the ever increasing number of unwanted puppies. Most of these puppies will die a lonely and diseased death. So if you are an animal lover you should certainly consider neutering your dog. Be sure to take a peek at these coat for dogs and cheap dog crate for your dog.
Sterilizing your dog whether male or female also has certain health benefits associated with it. Studies revealed that neutered dogs were less likely to suffer from fatal diseases like testicular cancer in males and ovarian or uterine cancer in females. Sterilization also reduces the risk of other such fatal diseases.
Most dog fights take place when dogs are fighting over a mate and are in heat. Even a domesticated dog that doesn’t normally pick fights with other dogs has a strong tendency to get into violent confrontations when he is in heat. So spaying a dog can be a sure shot way of making him more docile towards his kind.
Finally if you have a female dog it is not unusual to see stains on your carpets and couches when she is menstruating. Unlike in human beings, a dog’s menstruation cycle is not as frequent and largely depends on the breed. However, once a dog is fixed she will not get her periods.
