Training Your Bichon Frise Fur Ball Is Easy

If you have set your eyes on a Bichon Frise you will agree with me when I say that there are no words to describe how sweet this dog can be. The eyes of the Bichon Frise are always beseeching you for love and even if you know it for the briefest time you will feel like it is speaking with you through its eyes.
Most people fall in love with these dogs the moment they lay their eyes on them and take them home like a toy, rather than a dog. These dogs are indeed exceptionally lovable dogs. However there is a tiny downside here. These dogs have very often a mind of their own and are a little hard to train.
The Bichon Frise obedience training needs to be done very early if you want to stay in control. Even then, these little furry balls will very often refuse to be housebroken in spite of the best tactics used.
The Bichon Frise obedience training needs to start as early as possible as when it is young it is more malleable than when it is an adult. Housebreaking is almost always a massive problem with these dogs, as very often they tend to show their displeasure by relieving themselves in the most unpleasant places. This is for the Bichon Frise almost a way to say, “I do not like this and this the way I am protesting”.
It takes tremendous amount of love to persuade this sweet fur ball to listen to you. This is why it is best to use the services of a professional trainer who besides teaching your Bichon Frise to sit, lay, beg, roll over and will also give a hand at housebreaking it.
Another major point that needs to be addressed with the obedience training is controlling its barking. The Bichon Frise is basically shy and tends to get overexcited when too many people or animals are around them.
Bichon Frise dogs have indeed a mind of their own and you will realize this well enough when it comes to Bichon Frise obedience training. However, the good news is that they can be coerced by love to obey more than by punishment. Bichon Frise dogs do not respond well to punishment, however they often become putty in your hands when you shower love and attention on them.
Bichon Frise obedience training should start very early and with a lot of positive reinforcement. These dogs respond exceptionally well to love, petting, tidbits and verbal encouragement. Nonetheless, be prepared for an arduous journey while making your Bichon Frise listen to you and behave, as you will want it to behave.
It will be a very good idea if you get a professional trainer to help you with the obedience training, particularly if you are not adept at this task. You should however, ensure that the trainer use only positive reinforcement with your powder puff and absolutely no violence or punishments.
Since Bichon Frise training has always attracted a lot of attention, the author throws a light on the most important aspects on this subject. You do not need dog training books to train your Bichon Frise, only a little basic understanding and that is what you will receive from this article.
